How to Get Twitter Followers

Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Get Twitter Followers
Are you new to Twitter? Or are just having a hard time gaining a following? It may take time, but follow these steps to steadily build your following.

Instructions How to Get Twitter Followers
Things You'll Need:

* Twitter account
* Patience

How to Get Twitter Followers
Step 1

Select a relevant icon and background. If you're on a page of someone that you don't know and the account is plain or confusing, you're likely to click off of the page. Use a picture of you if its a personal account, or if its a business use a logo or something relevant to what you do.

Step 2

Follow people. Don't follow thousands of people on Twitter if you only have a few dozen followers because when people visit your page, you'll appear to be a spammer. Select a good number of people to follow that you can relate to or will be able to engage in potential discussions with so you can if need be.

Step 3

Engage in discussions. If someone on your timeline says something interesting or says something that you can put input into, do it. There's nothing worse than Twitter followers who follows for no reason. Even if you don't get responses some of the time, it doesn't hurt to try and the people you're following will know you're attemption to converse and are more likely to follow you back.

Step 4

Update consistently. People often go through the list of the people they're following and clean house, and when they do, they unfollow the people that either don't talk to them, or don't talk at all. If you're an active member of their timeline, that increases your chances of remaining on everyones list and keeping your stats high.

Step 5

Participate in trending topics. Often times they're ignorant or just plain confusing, but if you see something in the trending topics that you feel you can comment on, do it. People often comb through the trending topics and read what people (that they aren't following) are saying. If what you say catches someones eye they may follow you or even retweet what you said exposing you to their entire following and the potential of new followers.

Step 6

Use #hashtags. If you're tweeting about the Yankees game then at the end of your tweet add a #Yankees. You'll then be exposed to thousands of others of Yankees fans who are doing the same leading to potential discussions and potential followers.

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Open dns in USA, you can use this DNS in your country. It's free, someone can use this DNS. Try DNS one by one, than use DNS.
Verizon (Reston, VA, US)
GTE (Irving, TX, US)
One Connect IP (Albuquerque, NM, US)
OpenDNS (San Francisco, CA, US)
Exetel (Sydney, AU)
VRx Network Services (New York, NY, US)
SpeakEasy (Seattle, WA, US)
Sprintlink (Overland Park, KS, US)
Cisco (San Jose, CA, US)

Internet gratis indosat im3

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Internet gratis indosat im3 sekarang ini sedang marak, banyak sekali orang yang dapat menggunakan fasilitas Internet gratis indosat im3. Utuk dapat berinternet gratis menggunakan indosat im3 kita perlu beberapa alat, yg pertama dan utama adalah modem bebas mau pakai modem apa ajah yang penting bisa untuk kartu gsm. Trus untuk Internet gratis indosat im3, kita harus melakukan beberapa setting. Untuk setting tersebut klik disini setting

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Monday, October 26, 2009

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Daftar DNS telkom speedy

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Berikut ini adalah daftar DNS yang dapat digunakaan untuk telkom speedy di indonesia. Telkom Speedy
DNS AWARI (Asosiasi Warnet Indonesia)

Cara Setting gprs xl

Saturday, October 24, 2009

cara setting gprs xl sebenarnya mudah tetapi masih banyak orang yang belum tahu tentang bagaimana setting gprs xl. mengapa demikian ??? karena setting gprs xl tidak diberikan secara langsung oleh operator. untuk melakukan setting gprs xl kita harus melakukan beberapa hal berikut ini.
langkah yang pertama
melakukan setting melalui sms
caranya ketik GPRS (spasi) MEREK HP (spasi) TIPE HP kemudian kirim ke 9667
setelah mendapatkan balasan dari operator berupa konten pesan konfigurasi,
setelah itu buka pesan dan masukkan kode 1111.
setelah terbuka pesan tersebut, kemudian pilih save.

cara yang kedua
telepon operator ke nomor 818 biaya pernelpon Rp 350,00. tanyakan tentang bagaimana cara setting gprs xl.

PERHATIAN untuk meng aktifkan gprs xl minimal pulsa Rp 5.000,00

How to Get Toon Link in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Friday, October 23, 2009

How to Get Toon Link in Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. Brawl is one of the most popular games on the Nintendo Wii. The game has a lot of hidden characters and secrets that can take some time and effort to uncover. One of the hidden characters in the game is Toon Link. Toon Link is basically a cartoon version of Link from the Legend of Zelda Series, but has increased speed and attacks. The following will explain the three different ways you can attain him in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

instructions How to Get Toon Link in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Step 1

Enter the group brawl mode, and play 400 matches. Once that happens, a screen saying "A new challenger has appeared!" should appear, and then you will have to battle Toon Link in a one on one match. If you are able to defeat him, he will be unlocked. This option could possibly take some time to accomplish, so go this route

Step 2

Play the Subspace Emissary Mission and complete it by defeating the final boss. Once that is done, go into Classic mode on normal and select any character. Play through the classic mode on normal mode until you face the final boss, once you beat the boss. Toon Link should appear again, in which you have to face him in a brawl and defeat him.

Step 3

Play the Subspace Emissary Mission and complete it by defeating the final boss. You can then go back into the mission and select the level entitled "The Forest". Choose a character and once inside the level progress your way through for a short distance, knocking out enemies. You should come across a platform with a glowing red door above it. Jump up from the platform into the door. This will take you to face Toon Link in a battle and defeat him. Once you do a message will confirm he has joined your party.

susunan kabinet indonesia bersatu 2 (II)

Usai sudah rangkaian audisi yang dilakukan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) untuk menyaring para pembantunya. Tanpa ragu, SBY menyampaikan susunan Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu (KIB) II.

Susunan KIB II ini disampaikan Presiden SBY dalam konferensi pers di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (21/10/2009) pukul 22.00 WIB. Ikut dalam jumpa pers adalah para menteri KIB I dan juru bicara kepresidenan, Andi Mallarangeng dan Dino Patti Djalal.

susunan kabinet indonesia bersatu 2 (II)


1. Menko Politik Hukum dan Keamanan : Marsekal (Purn) Djoko Suyanto
2. Menko Perekonomian : Hatta Rajasa
3. Menko Kesra : R Agung Laksono
4. Sekretaris Negara : Sudi Silalahi

susunan kabinet indonesia bersatu 2 (II)


1. Menteri Dalam Negeri : Gamawan Fauzi
2. Menteri Luar Negeri : Marty Natalegawa
3. Menteri Pertahanan : Purnomo Yusgiantoro
4. Menteri Hukum dan HAM : Patrialis Akbar
5. Menteri Keuangan : Sri Mulyani
6. Menteri ESDM: Darwin Saleh
7. Menteri Perindustrian : MS Hidayat
8. Menteri Perdagangan : Mari E. Pangestu
9. Menteri Pertanian : Suswono
10. Menteri Kehutanan : Zulkifli Hasan
11. Menteri Perhubungan : Freddy Numberi
12. Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan : Fadel Muhammad
13. Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi : Muhaimin Iskandar
14. Menteri Pekerjaan Umum : Djoko Kirmanto
15. Menteri Kesehatan : Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih
16. Menteri Pendidikan Nasional : Mohammad Nuh
17. Menteri Sosial : Salim Segaf Al Jufri
18. Menteri Agama : Suryadharma Ali
19. Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata : Jero Wacik
20. Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika : Tifatul Sembiring

susunan kabinet indonesia bersatu 2 (II)


1. Menteri Riset dan Teknologi : Suharna Suryapranata
2. Menteri Koperasi dan UKM : Syarifudin Hasan
3. Menteri Lingkungan Hidup : Gusti Muhammad Hatta
4. Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak: Linda Amalia Sari Gumelar
5. Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara : E.E Mangindaan
6. Menteri Negara Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal : Ahmad Helmy Faishal Zaini
7. Menteri Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Kepala Bappenas : Armida Alisjahbana
8. Menteri BUMN : Mustafa Abubakar
9. Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga : Andi Alfian Mallarangeng
10. Menteri Perumahan Rakyat : Suharso Manoarfa

susunan kabinet indonesia bersatu 2 (II)


1. Kepala BIN: Jenderal (Purn) Sutanto
2. Kepala BKPM: Gita Wirjawan
3. Ketua Unit Kerja Presiden Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pembangunan: Kuntoro Mangkusubroto

menculik MIYABI atau Maria OZAWA

Sunday, October 18, 2009

menculik MIYABI atau Maria OZAWA adalah salah satu judul pilem yang akan di bintangi oleh miyabi yang rencananya akan datang di Indonesia pada akhir tahun ini.
menculik MIYABI atau Maria OZAWA merupakan pilem yang akan ditayangkan di layar lebar. pilem ini berupa pilem komedi..
kedatangan miyabi ke Indonesia menimbulkan banyak kontroversi.
karena banyak penolakan dimana-mana.
miyabi yang nota bene adalah artis bokep atau pilem blue itu....
menculik MIYABI atau Maria OZAWA apakah akan jadi di buat???
masih menjadi tanda tanya besar

Cara Setting mms xl

Saturday, October 17, 2009

cara setting mms xl sebenarnya mudah tetapi masih banyak orang yang belum tahu tentang bagaimana setting mms xl. mengapa demikian ??? karena setting mms xl tidak diberikan secara langsung oleh operator. untuk melakukan setting mms xl kita harus melakukan beberapa hal berikut ini.
langkah yang pertama
melakukan setting melalui sms
caranya ketik MMS (spasi) MEREK HP (spasi) TIPE HP kemudian kirim ke 9667
setelah mendapatkan balasan dari operator berupa konten pesan konfigurasi,
setelah itu buka pesan dan masukkan kode 1111.
setelah terbuka pesan tersebut, kemudian pilih save.

cara yang kedua
telepon operator ke nomor 818 biaya pernelpon Rp 350,00. tanyakan tentang bagaimana cara setting mms xl.

PERHATIAN untuk meng aktifkan mms xl minimal pulsa Rp 5.000,00
apabila kurang dari Rp5.000,00 cara setting mms xl belum bisa aktif/ mms belum aktif

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

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Trik ini hanya bisa dipakai jika xl anda dalam masa aktif.

Setelah gprs xl aktif pastikan pulsa anda telah habis atau dibawah Rp.2000,-.

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Keylogger Tutorial

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Keylogger Tutorial
"Keylogging" is a shorthand term for the practice of keystroke logging. This is a form of computer surveillance that involves the recording of every key struck on a keyboard by software running locally (usually hidden) on the machine being monitored, as a hardware addition to the machine (such as a USB keystroke logger), or on the network that machine is connected to
Software Keystroke Logging

one point to Keylogger Tutorial is a sofware keysstroke
1.Software keystroke loggers usually run as applications on the system that is being monitored and basically perform like any other piece of software on that operating system. The one quality that sets most keystroke loggers apart from other software is that programmers usually go to great lengths to hide evidence that the keystroke logger is actually running. This includes making the application invisible and usually only accessible by a predefined combination of keystrokes and obfuscating the process names to avoid identification.

There are several different types of software keystroke loggers. Hyper-visor based keystroke loggers run like virtual machines without employing the functions of the operating system. This makes them more difficult to detect. Kernel based keystroke loggers reside at the kernel level and are the most powerful keystroke loggers. Kernel based keystroke loggers subvert the operating system and gain direct access to the hardware through methods like spoofing the keyboard driver. Hook based keystroke loggers record keystrokes through functionality provided by the operating system. The passive method gains access to keystrokes through the operating system's APIs. And the Form Grabber method, perhaps the most common type of keystroke logger, records information submitted to web-forms. In some cases, as with many malware form grabbing keystroke loggers, information that is recorded can be transmitted to a remote computer for review.
Hardware Keystroke Logging

second point to Keylogger Tutorial is a hardware
2. The key feature of hardware key loggers is that they do not depend on any software being installed. Hardware keystroke loggers come in two basic forms: firmware-based and as physical hardware. Firmware keystroke loggers work at the BIOS level and must be installed physically on the machine. This method works by adding a logging feature to the physical keyboard interface.

Hardware can also be installed directly in a computer keyboard, the computer's internal memory or a USB port in order to record keystrokes. The primary advantage to hardware keystroke loggers is that they do not depend on any software being installed on the computer. This allows them to function with greater stealth and keeps them from interfering with other software on the computer. For example, a hook based software keystroke logger directly logs keystrokes through functions built into the operating system. However, this uses a notable amount of resources and a suspicious user could easily determine that some foreign software was running. Another advantage of high end hardware keystroke loggers is that they can interface with many computers over a network, providing wide reaching network surveillance.

How to Replace a Laptop Display

How to Replace a Laptop Display
Over time as your laptop suffers the normal abuse of everyday wear and tear, the LCD display may start to exhibit dead pixels or may not show any images at all. You don't need to rush out to buy a new laptop when the display goes dead, however, as it can be a much cheaper option to replace the LCD screen on your own. Replacing a laptop display can be done in a short amount of time, but it may be a challenging procedure for a novice computer user.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging
Things You'll Need to Replace a Laptop Display:
• Phillips-head screwdriver
• Replacement LCD screen
• Replacement inverter board
How to Replace a Laptop Display
Step 1
Power off your laptop computer. Turn the computer upside down so that you can see the bottom side of the laptop's case.

Step 2
Depress the battery release latch and lift the battery out of the laptop. Flip the computer back over and open up the LCD screen to a 90 degree angle.

Step 3
Pull off each of the rubber buttons located along the edges of the LCD screen. Remove each of the screws underneath the buttons with the Phillips-head screwdriver.

Step 4
Insert your fingers underneath the cover of the LCD screen. Work your fingers around the edges of the cover to unlock it from the screen. Pull the cover off the screen and set it aside.

Step 5
Locate the inverter board at the bottom edge of the LCD screen. Disconnect the cables at the right and left end of the board that connect to the LCD screen. Remove the screw holding the inverter board in place and then lift the board off the LCD screen.

Step 6
Tilt the screen slightly towards you until you can see the strip of tape holding the video cable. Pull off the tape and then disconnect the video cable from the laptop case.

Step 7
Remove the LCD screen from the case. Set the new screen onto the case and reattach the video cable and tape strip. Position the replacement inverter board at the bottom of the screen and attach the screw.

Step 8
Reconnect the inverter board's cables. Pop the plastic cover onto the LCD screen and reconnect the screws. Set the rubber buttons over the screws. Reconnect the battery.

Step 9
Turn on the laptop computer. Wait for the manufacturer's logo to appear on the screen to ensure the display was replaced properly.

end of article How to Replace a Laptop Display

Cara menganti monitor Laptop dan LCD

Cara menganti monitor Laptop dan LCD seiring waktu penyalahgunaan normal pemakaian sehari-hari, layar LCD mungkin mulai menunjukkan mati piksel atau mungkin tidak menunjukkan gambar sama sekali. Anda tidak perlu untuk bergegas keluar untuk membeli laptop baru ketika masuk layar mati, tetapi, karena dapat menjadi pilihan yang jauh lebih murah untuk mengganti layar LCD Anda sendiri. Mengganti layar laptop dapat dilakukan dalam waktu singkat, tetapi mungkin menjadi prosedur menantang untuk pemula pengguna komputer.

Hal yang Anda akan perlukan menganti monitor Laptop dan LCD :
• Phillips-kepala obeng
• layar LCD Replacement
• Penggantian papan inverter

Cara menganti monitor Laptop dan LCD
Langkah 1
Matikan komputer laptop Anda. Menyalakan komputer terbalik sehingga Anda dapat melihat sisi bawah kasus laptop.

Langkah 2
Menekan kait pelepas baterai dan angkat baterai dari laptop. Flip kembali komputer dan membuka layar LCD dengan sudut 90 derajat.

Langkah 3
Pull off masing-masing tombol karet yang terletak di sepanjang tepi layar LCD. Hapus masing-masing di bawah tombol sekrup dengan obeng Phillips-kepala.
Langkah 4
Masukkan jari Anda di bawah penutup layar LCD. Kerja jari-jari Anda di sekitar tepi penutup untuk membukanya dari layar. Tarik tutup layar dan menyingkirkannya.

Langkah 5
Cari inverter papan di tepi bagian bawah layar LCD. Lepaskan kabel di kanan dan kiri ujung papan yang terhubung ke layar LCD. Lepaskan sekrup inverter memegang papan di tempat dan kemudian angkat papan dari layar LCD.

Langkah 6
Tilt layar sedikit ke arah Anda sampai Anda bisa melihat plester memegang kabel video. Tarik dari tape dan kemudian melepaskan kabel video dari kasus laptop.

Langkah 7
Hapus layar LCD dari kasus ini. Mengatur layar baru ke kasus dan melampirkan kabel video dan tape strip. Penggantian inverter posisi papan di bagian bawah layar kemudian pasang sekrup.

Langkah 8
Hubungkan kembali kabel inverter dewan. Penutup plastik pop ke layar LCD dan menyambungkan kembali sekrup. Mengatur tombol karet di atas sekrup. Hubungkan kembali baterai.

Langkah 9
Nyalakan komputer laptop. Tunggu logo produsen untuk muncul di layar untuk memastikan tampilan diganti dengan benar.

How to Upload Mobile Photos to Facebook

Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to Upload Mobile Photos to Facebook. we are know about facebook.
than How to Upload Mobile Photos to Facebook
Facebook allows users to upload their photos, organize them into album and share them with other members of the social network. It is becoming increasingly common for users to post photos taken with a mobile phone on Facebook. Users need not be at their computer when uploading mobile photos to the network. A phone with MMS (multimedia messaging) capability allows users to add photos to Facebook on the go.

Things You'll Need:

* Phone with MMS capability
Step 1

Select the photo you wish to upload from you phone to Facebook. Access the option on your phone that allows you to send an MMS. Attach the photo to the message. Type caption text into the subject line of the message if you wish for the photo to have a caption. Enter "" into the address field and send the MMS. Facebook will now send a text message to your phone.

Step 2

Retrieve the confirmation code from the text message.

Step 3

Log in to your Facebook account from either the Facebook homepage or the Facebook Mobile Page (see Resources).

Step 4

Access the "Profile" page. Select the "Create an album" option from the "Photos" tab. Click on the "Mobile Uploads" tab. Type the confirmation code into the relevant field. A new album titled "Mobile Uploads" should now appear in your "Albums" section. This new album will contain the photo you sent earlier via MMS. Alternatively, select the "Mobile" option from the "Applications" menu. A "Facebook Mobile" page will appear. Scroll to the "Mobile Uploads" section and select the "Enter Confirmation Code" link. Enter the code into the appropriate field and click "Confirm."

Step 5

Select more photos to upload when you are ready. Send them to Facebook Mobile via MMS as you did in step 1. Your account has already been configured for mobile photo uploads and as a result, you will not need to enter the confirmation code again.

How to Get Burned by Your Internet History

Burned by your Internet history? What do you mean? Perhaps you are not aware but your personal computer is one big, powerful recorder of all your computer activity. Whether you are searching the Internet, browsing the Internet, having chat sessions, sending or receiving files or doing whatever your computer is capturing every keystroke and recording your tracks about where you have been, what you have viewed and what you have done.

Oh, you say that is no big deal. I’ll just delete my Internet history and temporary files with the tools offered by my favorite browser. Well, think again. Are you aware that there are numerous visible and hidden files where all this information is written and stored? Unfortunately, the tools offered by your favorite browser do not erase or eliminate all these files and it’s not all your Internet browser’s fault.

Did you know standard Windows file deletion options utilized by your browser do not physically delete the files? What are deleted are the index records detailing the file’s location and physical properties. The physical or actual file is still there and ready to be recovered by data recovery software that can be successfully used by both novice and experienced users. Until the original deleted physical file has been overwritten by another physical file, the original physical file is recoverable.

So what does all this mean to me? Absolutely nothing if you have not been visiting websites or doing activities that could create a compromising situation if discovered by your employer, spouse or significant other. Now, if you have been to websites, sent questionable emails or had off-color chat sessions that you shouldn’t have then you are in position to be placed in an embarrassing and compromising situation if discovered by the wrong individual. Perhaps, you are in this last situation and don’t want to get burned by your Internet history and tracks?

If so, then protect your privacy by using a privacy control software solution that insures the elimination of Internet and computer activity history on your personal computer. Don’t rely on the deletion tools provided by your Internet browser or Windows! Their shortcomings may be your downfall as you get burned by your Internet history creating personal anguish or employment troubles.

Don’t get burned by your Internet history. Get your privacy control software tool today and insure your privacy and confidentiality!

Would you like to learn more about protecting your Internet privacy and erasing your Internet or web activities? Check out now! Internet Erasers is an independent review site helping you make informed decisions about Internet privacy and security software. Our trusted reviews are created with knowledge and passion for the subject.

Each product featured on our website is compared with its competitors for functionality, performance and value providing you with the knowledge to make an informed selection and buying decision. In addition to our in-depth product reviews we offer other helpful tips and advice to improve your computer's performance, privacy and security.

Seting internet pada operator seluler indosat

pada saat yang maju operator-operator seluler sudah banyak yang memberikan berbagai kelebihan-kelebihan agar para pelangannya terpuaskam.
Salah satunya fasilitas internet.
Fasilitas GPRS,
3G Bordboard,
Fasilitas-fasilitas itulah yang nantinya digunakan untuk akses internet.
Untuk melakukan akses internet kita perlu mensettinya terlebih dahulu.
Bagaimana sih untuk seting internet pada handphone HP.
Baca selengkapnya disini.
Seting internet pada operator seluler indosat

cara menseting handphone (HP) sebagai modem

Friday, October 9, 2009

Bagaimana sih caranya menseting handphone (HP) sebagai modem. Sering kali saya mendapatkan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana cara menggunakan handphone sebagai modem. Sebelumnya saya memohon maaf karena informasi yang ada tidak mendetail sampai setting modemnya.
Internet dengan modem ponsel? Keraguan tersebut seringkali muncul dalam benak para pengguna aktif internet. Salah satu sebabnya adalah perhitungan tarif yang berbeda dengan koneksi internet biasa. Pada umumnya biaya yang harus dibayar dihitung berdasarkan lamanya penggunaan internet. Namun jika Anda memanfaatkan jalur GPRS maka biaya dihitung berdasarkan ukuran data yang dikirim maupun diterima. Apakah hal ini akan menguntungkan untuk pengguna? Apa kelebihan yang diperoleh dari akses internet dengan modem ponsel?
Pemanfaatan ponsel sebagai modem untuk akses internet hanya merupakan salah satu alternatif koneksi internet. Caranya adalah dengan menghubungkan ponsel ke komputer/laptop melalui kabel data, infrared, ataupun bluetooth. Selanjutnya ponsel yang terhubung ke komputer akan digunakan sebagai modem untuk berbagai aktivitas di internet. Namun bagi sebagian orang, pemanfaatan ponsel sebagai modem sering dianggap sebagai tindakan buang-buang uang semata. Biaya yang dikeluarkan masih lebih besar dibandingkan dengan koneksi internet biasa. Setiap kilobyte data yang dikirim dan diterima dari jalur GPRS melalui ponsel dikenai biaya yang bervariasi, berkisar Rp. 5 sampai dengan Rp. 30 per kilobyte, tergantung dari pilihan operator.
Tarif rata-rata yang ditetapkan oleh Indosat Seluler untuk akses internet melalui IM3 dan Matrix adalah sebesar Rp. 11 per kilobyte. Sedangkan Mentari tidak menyediakan akses internet melalui GPRS. Hal ini dikarenakan layanan GPRS yang ada pada Mentari sampai saat ini hanya digunakan untuk mendukung pengiriman MMS. Sedangkan Telkomsel memasang tarif akses internet melalui simPATI sebesar Rp. 30 per kilobyte dan KartuHALO sebesar Rp. 25 per kilobyte. Bagi pengguna XL, setiap data yang diakses melalui jalur GPRS dikenai tarif sebesar Rp. 25 per kilobyte. Untuk operator CDMA seperti Mobile-8 (Fren), StarOne (Indosat), dan Telkom Flexi menghargai layanannya sebesar Rp. 5 per kilobyte.
Apabila Anda memanfaatkan Fren, StarOne, atau TelkomFlexi (Rp. 5/kilobyte) untuk mengakses halaman depan situs yang berukuran 386 Kilobyte, maka pulsa yang akan dipotong berkisar 1930 rupiah. Sedangkan jika menggunakan modem biasa untuk membaca situs yang sama, dibutuhkan waktu rata-rata sekitar 3,5 menit. Dengan lama waktu tersebut, Anda akan terkena biaya berkisar 580 rupiah apabila dihitung dengan perhitungan biaya Telkomnet Instan (Rp. 9.900 / jam). Namun biaya Rp. 580 tersebut tentunya masih harus ditambah dengan lamanya waktu koneksi selama Anda online pada saat membaca halaman tersebut. Namun meskipun telah ditambah dengan waktu baca sekalipun, penggunaan internet dengan modem biasa secara keseluruhan dapat dikatakan lebih murah.
Jika Anda bukanlah pengguna internet aktif, apa keuntungan komparatif dari pemanfaatan ponsel sebagai modem?
Keunggulan yang nyata terletak pada kemudahan pemakaian internet di daerah yang tidak terjangkau oleh kabel telepon, jaringan komputer, atau bahkan oleh jangkauan hotspot internet sekalipun. Jika pada suatu daerah terpencil seseorang dapat memperoleh sinyal GPRS, maka ia dapat mengakses internet melalui komputer/laptopnya dengan memanfaatkan ponsel. Selain itu, Anda juga dapat memanfaatkan internet sekalipun masih berada dalam perjalanan, tanpa harus dipusingkan adanya kabel telepon maupun lokasi penyedia jasa layanan internet (ISP). Bagi Anda yang memiliki mobilitas tinggi, cara mengakses internet seperti ini jelas akan mempermudah pekerjaan. Selain itu, apabila dibandingkan dengan layanan dial-up, koneksi internet melalui modem ponsel jauh lebih cepat. Karena kecepatan akses melalui jalur GPRS dapat mencapai 915 KBps, sedangkan pada pada dial-up maksimal hanya 56 KBps.

Sebelum memulai proses instalasi ponsel ke komputer, Anda harus memastikan layanan GPRS telah aktif terlebih dahulu. Khusus untuk IM3, layanan GPRS sudah langsung dapat digunakan ketika Anda membeli kartu perdana. Aktivasi GPRS yang paling mudah adalah dengan mengirimkan SMS dengan keyword tertentu ke salah satu nomor yang telah disediakan oleh operator ponsel. Beberapa operator yang menyediakan layanan SMS untuk aktivasi GPRS dapat Anda lihat pada tabel di bawah ini. Selain itu, Anda dapat menghubungi Customer Service masing-masing operator untuk aktivasi.
Jika GPRS sudah aktif, carilah konektor yang sesuai dengan ponsel dan komputer/laptop Anda. Asalkan kedua ponsel memilikinya, Anda dapat menggunakan kabel data, infrared dan bluetooth sebagai penghubung antara ponsel dan komputer/laptop. Harga kabel data untuk setiap ponsel bervariasi, umumnya berkisar 15ribu sampai dengan 500 ribu rupiah.
Jika pada layar komputer muncul pesan adanya modem yang terdeteksi ketika ponsel dihubungkan, maka siapkan driver modem yang disertakan dalam box ponsel. Pada beberapa versi Windows, seringkali dibutuhkan driver untuk melengkapi instalasi. Jika driver tidak ditemukan, Anda disarankan untuk men-download melalui situs vendor (perusahaan pembuat) yang bersangkutan di internet. Modem yang telah terinstalasi dapat dilihat melalui Start> Control Panel> Phone/Modem Options. Selanjutnya pilih modem yang telah dikenali dan tekan tombol Properties. Klik tab Properties > Advance. Pada kotak teks Extra Setting masukkan isian sebagai berikut: AT+CGDCONT=1, “IP”, “APN”. APN atau Access Point Name diisi dengan APN masing-masing operator misalkan internet (Telkomsel), (Matrix), (IM3), atau (XL). Sebagai contoh jika Anda menggunakan Telkomsel: AT+CGDCONT=1, “IP”, “internet”. Sedangkan jika Anda menggunakan Matrix: AT+CGDCONT=1, “IP”, “”. Tekan tombol OK untuk menyimpan pengaturan tersebut.
Selanjutnya buatlah konfigurasi dial-up melalui Dial-Up Networking atau Network Connections. Masukkan nomor akses, user, dan password sesuai dengan operator ponsel yang digunakan.
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Koneksi internet menggunakan gprs

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Koneksi internet menggunakan gprs sudah sering kita jumpai pada saat sekarang ini. Bahkan pada saat sekarang ini para penyedia layanan meningkatkan fitur2 internet gprs untuk memikat para pelanggan. Dan semaikn banyak nya para pelanggan yang menggunakan layanan itu. Bagi para pecinta dunia maya memang koneksi internet sangat berarti sekali, jika kita belum berlangganan internet /bulan maka kenapa tidak kita iseng-iseng untuk memanfaatkan HP kita sebagai jalur akses koneksi ke internet, dengan menggunakan jalur GPRS. Kebetulan sekali kemarin saya bingung mau koneksi internet pake apa. Tapi saya mendapatkan pemecahannya setelah saya ingat kalau HP saya bisa di gunakan sebagai modem GSM. HP yang ber type Nokia 5300 yang di keluarkan nokia pada tanggal 20 Nopember 2006 telah memikat hati saya karena beberapa kelebihannya, kelebihan yang sangat membuat hati saya tertarik adalah hp ini support music banget, jadi bagi saya yang gemar mendengarkan musik HP ini merupakan HP impian.

Kelebian HP ini lama kelamaan saya ketahui dan akhirnya saya menemukan sebuah temuan yang bisa menghubungkan saya ke dunia maya, yaitu dengan menggunakan koneksi GPRS. Untuk mendapatkan koneksi Yang harus kita lakukan pertama kali adalah pastikan dahulu GPRS yang berada di HP kita berfungsi dengan baik, jika GPRS nya mati ya percuma kita lakukan semua ini. Untuk aktifasi GPRS anda bisa meminta bantuan operator atau bsa juga mencari-cari di internet atau di mana saja mengenai manual seting GPRS. Setelah itu anda install Nokia PC Suite yang bisa anda download di website resmi nokia yaitu Nokia.Com.Nokia PC Suite berfungsi untuk alat bantu untuk mengkoneksikan HP ke komputer. Karena dengan Nokia PC Suite kita bisa menjadikan HP yang tadinya yang hanya berfungsi untuk SMSan dan TLPan saja ternyata ada kelebihan yang bisa di dapatkan yaitu menggunakannya sebagai Modem GSM. Setelah itu anda koneksikan HP anda ke komputer dengan bantuan kabel data. Kemudian nyalakan Nokia PC Suite untuk memulai sinkronisasi HP ke komputer. karena Nokia PS suite yang saya miliki menggunakan bahasa indonesia maka yang berikutnya adalah klik Hubungkan ke internet untuk memulai tahapan dalam mengkoneksikan GPRS anda, setelah itu akan muncul windows baru yang dinamakan dengan ONe Touch Access yang merupakan sebagai kontrol panel koneksi anda, di sini anda bisa menghubungkan atau memutuskan koneksi.Setelah itu anda klik pengaturan untuk mengatur koneksi,Pilih tipe hp nya kemudian klik berikutnya, kemudian di sana anda beri tanda di bagian KOnfigurasi Sambungan Secara Manual setelah itu klik berikutnya untuk melanjutkan, sekarang akan ada kolom isian di sini kita akan memasukan Titik Akses, Nama Pengguna, Kode Sandi, karena saya menggunakan koneksi GPRS maka akan kita masukan settingan GPRS nya, Untuk Titik Akses anda masukan *99***1#, Untuk Nama penggun anda masukan xlgprs, Sedangkan untuk Kode Sandi anda masukan proxl. Kemudian anda klik sambungkan untuk menyambungkan koneksi ke internet.

Sekarang komputer anda telah terhubung ke internet, menurut pengalaman saya dalam menggunakan koneksi menggunakan akses GPRS sangat memakan biaya yang sangat besar, sebaiknya anda berlangganan paket data yang anda membayar koneksinya per bulan, jadi pemakaian GPRS anda tidak bentrok dengan pulsa yang anda miliki sehari-hari. Wah wala gimanapun koneksi menggunakan HP ini sangat membantu saya dalam mengerjakan beberapa tugas yang tidak bisa saya selesaikan di kantor, kemudian saya kerjakan di kosan sambil idur-tiduran kan enak rasanya. Jadi kita mau sambil melamun juga ga masalah yang penting pulsa kita tidak berkurang.


Koneksi internet menggunakan gprs

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Do You Own Your SaaS Website?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Your SaaS website represents an important investment. It may produce income for you - maybe even a lot of income... either now or in the future.

What if someone made you an offer to buy your website - an offer you can't refuse? Do you really own your website and all of its components? Could you transfer clear ownership to the buyer? Or does the deal fall through because, upon close examination, you really don't own it - or key parts of it?

Your Website's Components If you want to analyze the ownership of your SaaS website, you need to think in terms of its component parts. These include:

* web pages - these are the pages that you navigate on your site;

* content - the text, images, audio, and video that you integrate into your web pages;

* background software - software that runs in the background that provides functionality to your web pages, such as the software that generates your online service, shopping cart software, affiliate tracking software, toolbars for maneuvering between pages, search engines, Java applets, and ActiveX controls; and

* opt-in and customer lists. Except for your opt-in and customer lists, copyright plays a significant role in the ownership all of these components - so, it's a good place to start.

In simple terms, copyright ownership is really important because the copyright owner controls the exclusive right to copy, modify, distribute, and display the works of authorship that are embodied in your website.

Perhaps the best way to approach copyright ownership as it relates to your website is to debunk some of the myths that are floating around.

Myth No. 1: To Be a Copyright Owner, You Must Register With The Copyright Office

Not true.

How copyrights are created is really simple, and that's why it's so often misunderstood.

The Copyright Act states that a work is "created" when it is fixed in a tangible medium of expression. This means that a copyrightable work of authorship is created when pen hits paper, or keystrokes are recorded into the RAM of a computer.

Creation of copyrights happens automatically when an original work of authorship is fixed; no registration or other act is required. You might think of this as the "Rule of Automatic Copyright".

What does this mean to you? The author of a copyrightable work is the copyright owner. And since ownership happens automatically, if the work is not registered, there is no paper trail stating who the author is. This fact has significant ramifications if you need permission from the copyright owner.

Myth No. 2: I Paid My Website Developer To Develop My Site, Therefore I Own It

Not true in most cases.

The general rule is that the creator of the original expression in your website is the author and copyright owner.

An exception to the general rule lies with the "work made for hire" rules which come into play when a person hires another to create a copyrightable work of authorship. This is the situation that is most common with website development.

Facts are critical regarding the operation of the "work made for hire" rules. The key determination is the status of the website developer -- was the developer your regular employee, or was the developer a contractor? In most cases, the developer is a contractor.

The "work made for hire" rules are quite different depending on the status of the developer as employee or contractor, as follows:

* if the developer is an employee acting within the scope of employment, the hiring party (you) will be deemed to be the author and copyright owner of the work product; but

* if the developer is a contractor, then the contractor will be deemed to be the author and copyright owner unless there is a written agreement, signed by the contractor, specifying that the work is a "work made for hire".

What does this mean to you? Typically, the developer is a contractor. For this reason, to be the author and copyright owner of your website, you must have a written agreement, signed by the developer that specifies that the work product is a "work made for hire". Failing any of these requirements, the developer will be the author and copyright owner of the work product (i.e. your website).

Myth No. 3: It's OK to Use Materials I Copy Off The Web Because They're In The Public Domain

Not true.

The Internet is a public medium, but materials published on the Internet are not necessarily in the public domain.

Under the Rule of Automatic Copyright, the author of any original work of authorship will be the copyright owner. The author-owner has the exclusive right to control the copying, modification, distribution, and public display of the work. Anyone who exercises any of these exclusive rights without permission (i.e. a license) from the copyright owner, is liable for copyright infringement.

Public domain works are not subject to copyright. These include works for which copyright protection has expired.

What does this mean to you? Copyrights for most works published on the Web are owned by someone. You might be tempted to grab text or graphics on another site for use on your own site, but you'll need permission (i.e. a license) from the copyright owner to use these materials, else you'll be an infringer.

Myth No. 4: It's OK to Use Anything That Doesn't Have a Copyright Notice.

Not true in most cases.

A copyright notice is not required for works created and published since 1978.

What does this mean to you? For post-1978 published works, you must have permission from the copyright owner to use the work.

Myth No. 5: It's OK to Use Anything If I Give the Author Credit or Include The Author's Copyright Notice

Not true.

In the academic world, if you use someone else's ideas, you must give credit, usually in the form of a footnote.

In the commercial world, the issue is not whether you give credit or provide the owner's copyright notice; rather, it's whether you have permission (i.e. a license) to use.

What does this mean to you? If you use someone else's copyrighted work, get permission first. Sometimes permission is difficult to obtain because as pointed out in Myth No. 1, if the work is not registered, there is no paper trail stating the identity of the copyright owner.


Ownership of your SaaS website is relatively complex - you must consider all of the components of your site and determine ownership for each separately.

Copyright is the fundamental intellectual property protection scheme for website components. Understanding the difference between copyright facts and myths is critical to understanding who owns these components.

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