
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

twitter apakah itu???
sekarang lagimuncul twitter.
untuklebih jelas tenang twitter baca dibawah!!!!
Twitter adalah alat yang hebat jika anda ingin memberikan klien dan calon klien sebuah forum untuk dialog, dan bahkan lebih penting jika Anda ingin membiarkan mereka melihat apa yang Anda rencanakan. jadi Logika Twittering adalah jika kamu ingin menjadi baik-informasi mengenai apa yang terjadi dalam industri Anda, Anda terus-basis klien Anda dan orang lain dalam pasar ceruk dalam lingkaran, dan mengumpulkan pengikut. Dan kemudian, pada titik tertentu, berikut ini Anda akan melakukan 180 derajat. Anda akan mulai menarik 'ikan besar' dalam industri Anda. Seperti yang berpikiran profesional, yang memiliki kemitraan bisnis yang menarik dan kesepakatan untuk menawarkan, akan mendekati Anda karena Anda berikut. Ini adalah tempat berkicau adalah mil di depan platform jaringan sosial lainnya. Twitter mengakui bahwa itu semua tentang berikut. "Jika Anda memiliki nomor, mari kita bicara" adalah sikap.

Kebanyakan orang mendapatkan bahwa kegugupan adalah suatu jaringan sosial. Tetapi meminta mereka tentang micro-blogging, dan Anda mungkin mendapatkan sedikit mengangkat alis. Tapi itulah yang berkicau adalah tentang - it's micro-blogging. Dan dalam era informasi yang berlebihan, micro-blogging adalah yang paling segar, user-friendly alternatif untuk blogging.

Jika Anda ingin bersama pemain top, nongkrong di mana setiap orang yang tergantung keluar. Twitter peringkat sebagai salah satu dari 50 situs paling populer di seluruh dunia. Anda akan mencari ruang siku di samping 6 juta pengunjung bulanan, dan dekat dengan 10 kali jumlah bulanan ini kunjungan. Itu tempat orang-orang yang akan pergi ke tempat-tempat.

Aku 80 Equipment, berbasis di Colona, IL telah mendapatkan reputasi sebagai # 1 Supplier Kualitas Truk Digger Bucket Derricks dan Cranes. Aku 80 Peralatan juga memiliki layanan hotline penjualan, dan mereka selalu senang hati memandu Anda melalui setiap aspek dari pembelian truk, baik truk memilih yang tepat untuk perusahaan Anda, memastikan driver Anda tahu apa yang mereka perlu tahu, atau mendapatkan pembiayaan.

I-80 Equipment telah menerima diri mereka sendiri reputasi yang kuat untuk truk kualitas yang mereka tawarkan, mereka inspeksi dan 77 titik solusi pembiayaan mereka. Dan nama mereka dikenal berskala nasional maupun internasional. Mereka menjual boom truk, ember truk, crane truk, penggali derricks, dan alat berat lainnya untuk berbagai industri. Mereka bercicit.

cara menigoptimalisasi blog website. Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization adalah proses yang dilakukan untuk menghasilkan lalu lintas melalui mesin pencari. Menjadi kebutuhan untuk situs web, karena 80% -90% dari pengunjung datang dari mesin pencari utama. Peringkat yang lebih tinggi berarti semakin banyak jumlah pengunjung. Konsep yang sama berlaku untuk blog. Namun, banyak pemilik blog tidak menyadari kemungkinan mereka menjadi lebih terlihat di web. Mereka hanya update sekali-sekali dan hanya itu. Mengingat jumlah besar blog di internet hari ini, dari pribadi ke blog korporat, semua upaya mereka hanya akan sia-sia jika mereka tidak mengoptimalkannya.

Ya, blog dapat dioptimalkan juga. Harus dilakukan untuk kepentingan Anda berdua pembaca dan mesin pencari laba-laba. Meskipun proses ini sangat mirip dengan standar mesin pencari situs web optimasi, adalah sedikit berbeda. Berikut adalah beberapa tips yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk memulai:

Pertimbangkan Design

Hal ini tidak dianjurkan untuk menggunakan template default yang ditawarkan oleh situs penerbitan blog. Anda tidak ingin bertemu seorang gadis di sebuah pesta mengenakan pakaian yang sama, kan? Yang sama pergi ke blog. Anda dapat menyewa seorang desainer untuk melakukan pekerjaan untuk Anda. Jika menjalankan anggaran ketat, Anda dapat selalu mencari template gratis yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan desain web dan Anda dapat menyesuaikan sedikit untuk membuatnya unik.

Optimalkan Tag

Gunakan frasa yang paling besar untuk blog Anda di kode keras tag judul. Selain itu, Anda harus mengecek bahwa judul setiap entri muncul di tag ubin. Ini kadang-kadang diabaikan.


Anda harus selalu menggunakan kata kunci Anda dalam posting blog judul dan kategori. Anda juga dapat menggunakan banyak kategori dalam satu entri jika sesuai.

RSS Feed

Cara terbaik adalah bahwa Anda memiliki langganan RSS tombol yang tersedia pada blog Anda. Ini akan lebih mudah untuk pembaca Anda karena akan mempublikasikan baru-baru ini diperbarui bekerja. Apabila blog Anda tidak memiliki penerbit RSS secara otomatis tersedia, ada RSS feed tombol perangkat pembuatan di net. Tapi pastikan bahwa Anda memajangnya di mana pembaca dapat dengan mudah melihat mereka. Anda bisa menempatkannya pada sidebar Anda. Hal ini sudah di blog pemilik hak prerogatif jika dia ingin penuh atau parsial RSS.

Gunakan Email

Karena ada beberapa orang yang tidak akrab dengan RSS feeds, bekerja ekstra dan memberi mereka sesuatu yang lain dengan manfaat yang sama. Aku sedang berbicara tentang Anda dapat memiliki posting blog Anda melalui email. Free tools juga tersedia secara online untuk melakukan hal ini.

Menarik Pendahuluan

Pendahuluan tentang posting blog dikirimkan melalui RSS feed. Memastikan bahwa itu adalah untuk menarik cukup untuk membuat pembaca Anda ingin punya lebih banyak sehingga mereka akan klik "lebih" tombol dan membaca seluruh artikel. Oleh karena itu, harus menarik.

Periksa anda CSS

Ini adalah blog umum yang datang dengan jumlah berlebihan CSS atau Cascading Style Sheets. Solusi untuk ini adalah dengan menempatkannya dalam sebuah file CSS eksternal untuk menghindari kekacauan dalam template utama dan untuk entri utama untuk tidak pergi lebih jauh ke bawah.

Kunci-kaya Anchor Texts

Menempatkan link di situs lain / blog dan bahkan dalam menempatkan link internal, pastikan bahwa Anda menggunakan kata kunci-kaya teks jangkar. Ingat bahwa selalu lebih baik menggunakan kata kunci Anda daripada "klik di sini" atau "lebih". Akan menguntungkan Anda ketika search engine spider crawl blog Anda.

Keep Your Posts Berikat

Jika posting blog Anda entah bagaimana terhubung ke posting sebelumnya, link mereka satu sama lain. Idenya adalah bahwa jika pembaca Anda tertarik pada topik tertentu, maka ia mungkin juga dapat terhibur dari cerita yang berbeda dengan subjek yang sama. Anda dapat menggunakan Related Posts Plugin untuk ini.

Melakukan hal yang sama di blog lain. Jika Anda melihat blog entry atau artikel tentang isu yang sama, membuat mereka berpengetahuan keberadaan Anda dengan menempatkan link akan posting Anda.

Pembelian Domain

Kita semua tahu bahwa perusahaan hosting blog hanya akan sekitar untuk suatu waktu. Begitu mereka menutup usaha mereka, mereka akan menutup blog Anda juga. Jika itu terjadi, di mana pengikut setia Anda akan menemukan Anda? Atau ada perubahan dalam domain blog Anda tuan rumah, itu pasti akan mempengaruhi peringkat Anda.

Jika anda memiliki sumber daya yang terbatas dan hanya dapat menetap untuk perusahaan hosting gratis, cari orang-orang yang menawarkan untuk menampilkan domain Anda sendiri daripada menampilkan mereka sendiri seperti Wordpress dan Blogger.

URL yang tepat Konvensi Penamaan

Selalu ide buruk untuk menggunakan URL dinamis baik di situs atau blog. Anda harus selalu mengambil keuntungan dari setiap kesempatan anda harus menggunakan kata kunci, tanpa memasukkan kata kunci, termasuk yang satu ini. Makna, alih-alih menggunakan "", Anda dapat mempertimbangkan " / blog-post-kata kunci-di sini". Bila Anda tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa tentang hal itu, gunakan mod rewrite.

Bagus Navigasi

Jika blog Anda hanya merupakan bagian dari sebuah website, bukan ebough bahwa Anda akan memiliki link ke blog Anda halaman utama. Gunakan sidebar untuk sindikat Anda posting baru karena para pengunjung website mungkin akan tertarik pada artikel Anda jika mereka melihat judul.

Fast Page Load

Jumlah waktu yang terlibat untuk halaman untuk memuat semua tergantung pada tuan rumah. Ada beberapa blog yang memakan waktu sekitar setengah menit saja dari potongan RSS feed untuk artikel lengkap. Anda dapat kehilangan banyak pembaca hanya karena alasan ini saja.

Moderator Trackbacks dan Komentar

Spammer di mana-mana. Mereka selalu mencari cara untuk pelecehan blog Anda dengan memasukkan komentar non-sense dengan link pergi ke website mereka. Hal ini menjengkelkan dan dapat juga mempengaruhi peringkat Anda. Ada banyak piranti tersedia secara online yang dapat anda gunakan untuk moderat dan menghindari komentar dan trackbak spam.

Jangan hanya membuat blog untuk berbagi informasi yang besar atau untuk membuktikan bahwa Anda tahu banyak tentang bidang Anda ke dalam. Jangan menetap pada jumlah pengikut blog Anda sudah. Mulailah untuk mengoptimalkan sekarang dan melihat perubahan-perubahan besar pada beberapa bulan berikutnya

Just twitter FIND IT

On their website, I 80-Equipment invite the online truck shopper to “Just say FIND IT!” ( and they promise to help you find whatever you’re looking for. It’s only a matter of time before twittering truckers adopt this on Twitter too.

Remember two months ago, when people asked what Twitter was. Now if you’re a business and you’re worth your salt, you want to be Twitterin’.

For any business though, it is a calculated decision to twitter. You don’t want to start Twittering until you’re sure that you’ll have followers. It’s probably a costly mistake in the business world, to be seen Twittering with only 5 followers in tow. You want to start twittering when you’ve got a solid client-base who would do repeat business with you, if the need arises, and who will happily follow you, if invited.

Twitter is a great tool if you want to give your clients and potential clients a forum for a dialogue, and even more importantly if you want to let them see what you’re up to. The logic of Twittering is if you like being well-informed as to what’s happening in your industry, you keep your client-base and other people in your niche market in the loop, and gather a following. And then, at some point, your following will do a 180 degree turn. You’ll start attracting the ‘big fish’ in your industry. Like-minded professionals, who have interesting business partnerships and deals to offer, will approach you because of your following. This is where Twitter is miles ahead of other social networking platforms. Twitter acknowledges that it’s all about your following. “If you have the numbers, let’s talk” is the attitude.

Most people get that Twitter is a social network. But ask them about micro-blogging, and you might get a few raised eyebrows. But that’s what Twitter is about – it’s micro-blogging. And in this era of information overload, micro-blogging is the freshest, user-friendly alternative to blogging.

If you want to be with the top players, hang out where everyone is hanging out. Twitter ranks as one of the 50 most popular websites worldwide. You’ll be looking for elbow space alongside 6 million monthly visitors, and close to 10 times this number of monthly visits. It’s where people who are going places go.

I 80 Equipment, based in Colona, IL has earned the reputation of being #1 Supplier of Quality Bucket Trucks Digger Derricks and Cranes. I 80 Equipment also have a sales hotline service, and they are always happy to walk you through any aspect of a truck purchase, be it choosing the right truck for your company, ensuring your drivers know what they need to know, or getting financing.

I-80 Equipment has earned themselves a strong reputation for the quality trucks they offer, their 77 point inspection and their financing solutions. And their name is known nation-wide as well internationally. They sell boom trucks, bucket trucks, crane trucks, digger derricks, and other heavy equipment for many different industries. They Twitter.

Blog Optimization

Search engine optimization is the process done to generate traffic through search engines. It became a need for websites because 80%-90% of visitors come from major search engines. Higher rankings mean greater number of visitors. The same concept applies to blogs. However, many blog owners are not aware of their chances of being more visible on the web. They just update it once in a while and that's it. Considering the great number of blogs on the net today, from personal to corporate blogs, all their efforts will just go to waste if they do not optimize it.
Yes, blogs can be optimized, too. It should be done for the benefit both of your readers and search engine spiders. Although the process is quite similar with the standard website search engine optimization, it is a bit different. Here are some tips that you can do to start:

Consider the Design

It is not advisable to use the default template being offered by blog publishing sites. You wouldn't want to bump into a girl in a party wearing the same dress, do you? Same thing goes to blogs. You can hire a designer to do the work for you. If running a tight budget, you can always look for free templates offered by web design companies and you can customize it a little to make it unique.

Optimize the Tags

Use the most substantial phrase for your blog in the hard code of the title tag. Also, you have to double check that each entry's title appears on the tile tag. This is sometimes overlooked.


You should always use your keywords in the blog post titles and categories. You can also use many categories in one entry if appropriate.

RSS Feed

It is best that you have RSS subscription button available on your blog. This would be more convenient to your readers because it will publish your recently updated work. If your blog publisher don't have RSS automatically available, there are RSS feed button creation tool on the net. But make sure that you place it where the readers can easily see them. You can put it in your sidebar. It is already on the blog owner's prerogative if he/she wants to full or partial RSS.

Use Email

Because there are some people who are not familiar with RSS feeds, go the extra mile and offer them something else with the same benefits. I'm talking about You can have your blog post via email. Free tools are also available online to do this.

Compelling Introduction

Introduction about the blog post is sent out via RSS feed. Make sure that it is compelling to enough to make your readers want to have more of it so that they would click the “more” button and read the entire article. Therefore, it should be interesting.

Check you CSS

It is common that blogs come with overwhelming amount of CSS or Cascading Style Sheets. The solution to this is to place it in an external CSS file to avoid clutter in the main template and for the main entry not to go further down.

Keywords-rich Anchor Texts

In placing links in other sites/blogs and even in putting internal links, make sure that you are using keyword-rich anchor text. Remember that it is always better to use your keywords than “click here” or “more”. It would benefit you when search engine spiders crawl your blog.

Keep Your Posts Bonded

If your blog post is somehow connected to your previous posts, link them to each other. The idea is that if your reader is interested in this particular topic, then he/she probably can also be entertained of a different story with the same subject matter. You can use Related Posts Plugin for this.

Do the same in other blogs. If you see a blog entry or an article on the same issue, make them knowledgeable of your existence by placing a link going to your post.

Purchase a Domain

We all know that blog hosting companies will only be around for such a time. Once they close their business, they will be closing your blog as well. If that happens, where will your loyal followers find you? Or there are change in the domain of your blog host, it will surely affect your rankings.

In case you have limited resources and can only settle to free hosting companies, look for those who offer to display your own domain rather than displaying their own like Wordpress and Blogger.

Proper URL Naming Convention

It is always a bad idea to use dynamic URLs whether on websites or blogs. You should always take advantage of any chance you have to use keywords, without keyword stuffing, including this one. Meaning, instead of using “”, you can consider “”. When you cannot do anything about it, use mod rewrite.

Good Navigation

If your blog is just a part of a website, it is not ebough that you a have a link going to your blog's main page. Use the sidebar to syndicate your new posts because the visitors of the website might get interested in your articles if they see the titles.

Fast Page Load

The amount of time involved for a page to load all depends on your host. There are some blogs that takes about half a minute just from the snippet of RSS feed to the full article. You can lose a lot of readers just because of this reason alone.

Moderated Trackbacks and Comments

Spammers are everywhere. They always find a way to abuse your blog by putting non-sense comments with links going to their website. It is annoying and it can also affect your rankings. There are numerous tools available online which you can use to moderate and avoid comment and trackbak spam.

Don't just create a blog to share great information or to prove that you know a lot about the field you are into. Do not settle on the number of followers your blog has. Start to optimize now and see the great changes on the next few months.

cara untuk membuat facebook

cara untuk membuat facebook
bagaimana sih caranya membuat facebook????
dari pada anda bertanya2x
lebih baik anda baca sekilas tentang cara untuk membuat facebook berikut ini.
ini adalah cara untuk membuat facebook.

Dari pada basa-basi saya berikan cara untuk membuat Facebook (FB)dengan tutorial yang mudah :

1. kamu bisa login di google atau yahoo lalu ketikan
2. Di sebelah kanan kamu ada SING UP lalu isikan identitas diri anda yang lengkap
3. Kalau suda diisi semuanya lalu klik sign up
4. di situ ada text in the box isikan sama dengan gambar tersebut lalu klik sign up
5. Sekarang kamu bisa masuk ke alamat email kamu yang sudah di daftarkan di facebook lalu kamu klik code verifikasi yang di kasih sama facebook
6. kamu akan masuk di faid friends using your email account
7. Lalu isikan password email kamu, lalu klik find friends
8. Kamu bisa menambakan teman yang ada di email kamu dengan klik select all friends selanjutnya klik add friends.

Mudah bukan untuk membuat facebook. Di facebook kalian bisa catting dan menambakan video dan mencari teman-teman dengan hobi yang sama.
terimakasih demikian cara untuk membuat facebook di buat

Tidak bisa sign up facebook? Anda ditolak oleh Facebook?

Sebentar, Tidak bisa sign up facebook? Anda ditolak oleh Facebook?

Facebook memiliki sistem verifikasi penamaan yang cukup ketat. Mereka (sebenarnya) hanya mengizinkan penggunaan nama asli anda sebagai display name. Jika anda menggunakan nickname, terutama yang mengandung unsur numerik, atau menggunakan font besar kecil menyebalkan ala abg s3P3rt1 iN1, siap – siap mengisi kolom lagi karena permintaan aplikasi sebagai anggota anda akan ditolak.

Ok, sekarang sudah masuk account email anda?

Sudah menerima e-mail verifikasi dari facebook?

Sekarang buka emailnya, dan klik link yang diberikan pada e-mail tersebut

Voila! Anda dibawa ke sebuah halaman facebook! Account facebook anda sudah jadi! :D

Well, facebook berusaha membuat aplikasinya senyaman mungkin digunakan. Maka dari itu, halaman pertama yang anda jumpai sekarang adalah halaman getting started. Panduan memulai untuk facebook.

Memulai Aktifitas Anda di Facebook

  1. Sekarang, anda di hadapkan dengan fitur “import friend” dari account e-mail anda. caranya mudah, cukup tulis alamat email dan password anda. Tapi jika anda enggan, lewati saja dengan menekan link skip this step di bawah
  2. Sekarang, anda di hadapkan dengan form Fill Out Yor Profile Info. Isi informasi anda mengenai sekolah, universitas, dan tempat kerja anda, hal ini akan memudahkan fitur “friend finder” nantinya
  3. Setelah langkah kedua, anda akan diberikan form kosong untuk memilih network. Network di facebook merupakan fitur pembagian yang serius, dan jangan main – main dengan hal ini. Klik link other countries di bawah kolom, lalu pilih Indonesia. Klik Join.

Well Done! Proses mendaftarkan diri anda ke facebook sudah beres. Memahami panel facebook dapat anda lakukan seiiring dengan perjalanan waktu. Namun secara garis besarnya, pemahaman dasar mengenai panel – panel facebook akan kita bahas di post selanjutnya.

Sekarang, anda bisa mulai bereksperimen dengan berbagai fitur facebook. Mulai dari mana?

  • Mulai dengan mengisi profile anda, agar orang lain dapat menemukan anda dengan mudah
  • Mulai cari teman anda, dan tambahkan ke friendlist! kita akan melakukan networking kan? ;)
Halaman awal facebook anda yang kosong. Segera isi agar anda dapat dikenali oleh yang lain

Halaman awal facebook anda yang kosong. Segera isi agar anda dapat dikenali oleh yang lain

Cara membuat account facebook anda berantarmuka bahasa

Cara membuat account facebook anda berantarmuka bahasa
langkah-langkah ini adalah langkah untuk Cara membuat account facebook anda berantarmuka bahasa. untuk lebih jelasnya anda baca prosedur berikut ini!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Lihat di bagian bawah halaman. Ada tulisan English (US)?
2. Klik link tersebut, akan muncuk sebuah dropdown
3. Klik pilihan Bahasa Indonesia
4. Voila! Sekarang tampilan facebook anda sudah berbahasa indonesia. :D

Mudah kan? ;)

Cara membuat account facebook anda berantarmuka bahasa

tips cara download update kaspersky

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

saya akan mencoba membagikan sedikit tips tips cara download update kaspersky
tips cara download update kaspersky, menggunakan cara yang sederhana.
untuk dapat tips cara download update kaspersky silahkan baca ini
Kaspersky merupakan Antivirus yang sudah membumi di masyarakat terutama kaspersky 2009 Tapi pihak Pihak Kaspersky tidak menyediakan download link untuk versi 2009 ini. Meskipun demikian produk kaspersky ini juga masih bisa dilakukan secara offline dengan aplikasi updater

Pihak kaspersky sendiri sebenarnya sudah menyadiakan tool ini unt uk didownoad bebas dan dengan berbagai produk mulai dasri home sampai Corporate Edition. lihat gambar dibawah ini.

Didalam produk support sebenarnya sudah memberikan fasilitas untuk download Offline dengan mendownload kedua link yang ada di gambar dan dimasukkan daam satu folder.

Cara download update Kaspersky Offline

  1. Pertama Downoad Kaspersky Update Utility yang sudah saya gabung semua .
  2. Exstrak file yang sudah didownload tadi dalam satu folder
  3. buka KasperskyUpdater.exe
  4. pilih produk kaspersky yang anda miliki
  5. klik apply kemudian start

cara update kaspersky offline

  1. Klik kanan Icon Kaspersky yang ada di systray windows ( pojok kanan bawah), pilih menu Settings
  2. Pilih menu Update dan klik Settings…
  3. Klik menu + Add dan cari lokasi folder yang berisi file-file update diatas ( folder Updates hasil download diatas)
  4. setelah ditambahkan, hilangkan tanda check untuk “Kaspersky Lab’s Update server” dan klik OK.
  5. Proses selesai, untuk mengupdate, tinggal klik kanan icon Kaspersky dan pilih menu Update. Atau dari menu Utama, pilih Update dan klik Start Update

copas from x

How to Pimp Your MySpace Profile

As someone who spends an obscene amount of time researching, playing and "working" on MySpace [and loving every minute of it I might add... ;-) ] I have made myself into an expert and an authority on the process of customizing or "pimping" profiles as my countless thousands on MySpace will vouch for me.

Before going deep on HOW to pimp MySpace, I'd first like to address WHY one should pimp his or her MySpace profile.

There are really two answers to this question...

The first is my expert opinion as a marketing specialist - "branding and differentiation."

As MySpace continues to grow at a frantic pace (there are currently over 108 million profiles on MySpace and growing at about 26,000 new ones daily) - it becomes increasingly difficult for an individual or an online business seeking to establish a presence on MySpace to "stand out from the crowd." A well pimped out profile allows for a unique user experience that separates and differentiates a profile from the millions of other "plain-vanilla", non-pimped profiles.

A customized profile allows for using corporate colors and logos as well as controlling the end-user experience to be consistent with one's overall brand identity.

Ok... having said that.

My second answer is more personal - simply "Because it looks cool and because you can."

So... having cleared that up.

The process of "pimping" or decorating and customizing a MySpace profile is part art/part science and consists of several key steps which should be addressed sequentially if you want to have a truly great looking profile.

In order, you must:

1. Choose the kind of look you are going for.

What will your profile be about? Is it about you? Is it for a business? Is there a specific atmosphere that you want your profile to have? You must be clear on what you want to portray and design in your profile prior to making any customizations.

This will help you save a lot of time and needless aggravation

2. Determine if you'll use a Pre-Made layout or create your own.

There are thousands of pre-made layouts available on the Internet. One need only to search in the search engines for the keywords "MySpace Layouts" to find page after page of web sites that offer pre-designed layouts for you to choose.

Another alternative, and my personal preference, is to design and develop your own profile look. By customizing your profile look and feel, you not only avoid the risk of using the exact same layout that somebody else is using but you also prevent any problems you may have with any copyrighted images in your layout that the original creator may not have secured and which may result in your profile being shut down by MySpace.

Should you choose instead to pimp your profile yourself, you will need to have a tool called a "MySpace Profile Editor" that will allow you to change most aspects of your profile including background images, colors, borders, fonts and a great number of other customizable options. You can do a search for "MySpace Profile Editor" to find one you can use.

Like in all software, there's the good, the bad and the ugly in profile editors and being tired of just finding "the bad", I personally chose to custom develop my very own easy to use, top of the line profile editor.

3. Customize your Contact table.

MySpace also allows you to customize a section of your profile called your "Contact Table." This is the small table underneath your default picture where you can select to Add as a Friend, Send a Message, Rate a Picture and other actions.

Once again, you can search on the web for "Pre-Made Contact Tables" that you can download and install but just like with pre-me profile layouts, you run into the same issues of not having a truly original profile and any potential copyright infringement issues.

My recommendation is, if you can develop your own contact table, by all means do so.

The general consensus on MySpace is that a profile is never truly pimped unless it has a custom table to go along with it...

So make sure that when you pimp your profile you choose a good looking contact table to go along with it.

4. Apply "hide codes" and "tweaks."

There are many other codes and so-called "hides and tweaks" that you can apply to your profile to make it hide specific information and change the look of many different elements including how pictures are displayed, if you want to center your profile and the order and number of how your friends are displayed. You can also apply effects to blur and reverse your images, add graphics that seem to "fall from the sky" and a great number of other options to embellish your profile.

In conclusion, pimping your MySpace profile is a very personal process and making your "Space" or profile be truly unique requires a combination of skills, patience and the willingness to try different things. Remember, in customizing your MySpace profile, there are no wrong answers and anything you create is yours to keep or discard (do overs are perfectly acceptable in MySpace... Unless of course you break any of MySpace's terms of service which can be accessed through a link at the bottom of every page on MySpace.)

Make sure you enjoy the process and don't be afraid to try new things - after all... it is YOUR MySpace profile, make it truly a reflection of who you are!

How Can A Website Benefit Your Business

How Can A Website Benefit Your Business
by: Vignesh Rajendran

1. Why should you have a website?

In order to succeed in today's world, you must have an Internet presence. More and more people log on to the internet everyday; there are billions of users world-wide and there are several reasons why one needs a web site. A website is a powerful first impression. Placing your business on the World Wide Web, gives your business the potential for global exposure, no matter the size of your business – be it large or small; singular or multi-national. To have your own website gives your business invaluable advantages, which is illustrated in the answer to the next question, viz-a-viz:

2. How can a website be useful?

Website help you leverage web services for streamlining data transfer to and from your organization.

There are myriad reasons for - How a website can be useful and why you should bring your business online? Some of them are, briefly, mentioned below:

a. Enhanced customer convenience

Your business concern can be more easily and quickly reached, every time a potential or an existing client searches for relevant businesses, products and services over the Internet. Your customers can always keep in touch with you and your business, just by knowing your web site address.

b. Greater reachability of your business profile:

Your business profile can be accessible from anywhere in the world. No other ad medium provides such global coverage. You need not depend on phone book entry or restricted yellow pages and newspaper ad presentations, any longer.

c. Greater possibilities for promoting your business portfolio:

People will not buy your products or services unless they know that they actually exist. You can tell your potential audience much more through a WEBSITE, than you could possibly do via any print advertisements, Yellow Pages listings, or TV/radio commercials. There are no limitations as far as space, time, nationality and residency are concerned. You can say as many things as you want, to as many people as you wish. And your business representation can be as resourceful as is the Internet itself.

d. Efficient low-cost advertising:

Your customers will always be able to obtain thorough up-to-date information about your services or products. Instead of having to rely on randomly aired TV or radio commercials, they can simply browse through your website whenever they like.

e. 24/7 availability:

Website is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It will be your hardest working employee, never getting sick, or taking a holiday. And you can rest assured that your website is always there for you – to answer your customers’ questions or to collect their feedback on your behalf.

f. Time-saving:

Prospective clients can learn about you and your business at any time of the day simply by visiting your website, so you won’t have to be present or involved with the process in any way. Your precious time can be saved and invested in other activities that can increase your profits and further enhance the scope of your business.

g. Cost -cutting:

You can save a lot of money cutting your costs on print ads, brochures, coupons, flyers, specials, newsletters or mailings. What’s more! Its always quick easy and extremely efficient to update real time information on your website; whereas regular renewals of printed materials turn out to be very expensive and time consuming. The fact optimized productivity at minimal cost is more valued in any business and it is possible only through world wide web.

Web services provide a standard way to implement a business function that can also be managed remotely. It employs an effective exchange of information and data-feeds between B2B and B2C portals, information warehouses, news providers, shopping portals like e bay and search engines like Google, MSN, yahoo etc.

Your website must work hard in today's competitive online environment — attracting visitors, providing a rich user experience and converting them into loyal customers.

3. What makes a site work successfully?

Its a hotly debated question – “What makes a website work well that will genuinely help your business and attract more customers?”

A well designed website can certainly lead to increased business. By following simple guide-lines, it is possible to create a good-looking website that will really give your business the best chance of being noticed.

For your online presence to really count, your brand needs to exude credibility, confidence and efficiency through your website. A well designed website can certainly leverage your business processes. One can achieve this by blending strong design and content, with seamless functionality, and expert support throughout - with time tested processes.

Web Designing is “a process of conceptualization, planning, modeling, and execution of electronic media delivery via Internet in the form of Markup language suitable for interpretation by Web browser and display as Graphical user interface” (ref- Wikipedia)

Web Design can have a powerful affect. Web Design is important and it must be right! The right design kindles in a website visitor the right perception of your business. It engenders confidence and trust in your business. Success online is vital to the overall strength of your business.

It’s essential that –

In an arena saturated with billions of web pages, it requires innovation and expertise, to represent your brand effectively.

Your site must be easy to navigate and simple to use. If your users and potential customers can’t find what they want, this will undermine your site’s performance, in relation to your business goals.

Your web site should, clearly and concisely, reflect your business, values and products, since your web site is now the first point of contact for a new user or potential customer.

A good and innovative design ensures that the site is memorable and encourages the viewer to explore beyond the home page.

The web functionality and programming should use only standard, compliant, valid coding and also provide an alternative programming, to ensure that your site is viewable in any Browser and at any Screen Resolution.

Most Web design and development companies possess skills in one or the other – rarely both. This is where ImagiNET Ventures web solutions differ, as we understand how to design a website that will most effectively present you, your business or organization, with your products and services.

4. What are the common mistakes of a website?

Lets face it! If visitors get lost or become confused while attempting to surf your website, they might hit the back button, and look for a more user- friendly website. People do not like to think, when it comes to finding their way around websites. Don’t make them tick. You need to plan your website from stage to stage, and make a difference between between a very poor website and a very good website.

Let us now see – what are the pitfalls inherent in designing and setting up a website? You may know some of them already, but by avoiding and correcting them, you can be sure to keep constant flow of visitors entering and re-entering into your portal! The list of most common errors is unending but invaluable for new designers, web developers and content writers – who need a list for their website spot check.

1.Site best viewed:

New designers usually use this “site best viewed” with a disclaimer statement regarding which web browser or screen resolution they designed their site, for best viewing. It does not impress the visitor. Instead, invest in skilfully designed website that renders well in multiple browsers, and in any screen resolution.

2.Shabby lay-out and glaring design:

Some sites are totally unbalanced in their lay-out and overloaded design. The designs do not match the page content and appears misplaced and misfit in the entire scene. Give your pages a pleasing appearance, with just the necessary facts and place your design out-lay with a professional touch. Always take screen shots of designs in different resolutions, before uploading the appropriate one.

3.Horizontal scrolling:

The horizontal scroll makes it extremely difficult to read the content on your site, and often your visitors will lose patience and leave. Check your website in a site resolution viewer. A professional website can be viewed without horizontal scrolling in, both, a smaller and larger screen resolution. User's find scrolling from the top to the bottom of your pages, more clear to view and easy to read.

4.Free Web Hosting:

This is a common web page mistake you definitely need to avoid. Often business owners claim that the business is "just starting”, and that is why they have not yet moved their site to a domain host. Do not use free web hosting if you want your business to be taken seriously. It reflects on your image and credibility.

To resolve this issue, you must choose and purchase a domain name if you, already, do not have one. You also need to choose a professional domain host. There is no getting around this one. If you want to run a successful online business, you absolutely must have a reliable domain host.

5.Appalling Images

Don’t allow your visitor view badly shaped or terribly cropped images and missing graphics files. Optimize your images, using the best height and width. Keep your files in the best formats - j peg for Photographs and gif for artwork.

6.Blaring and ghastly color schemes:

Avoid using ghastly and loud colors that does not match your website concept and mission. Although your text may be easy to read, overly-bright colors distracts and repels the reader away from your site's purpose. Your designs must reflect class and designer quality, with state-of-the-art designs and pleasantly eye-catching color schemes for your web pages.

7.Slow loading:

If your page does not download rapidly, visitors will quickly move on to find another site. Take action now to reduce the "weight" of your pages . Each image on your site must be correctly sized and optimized for web use. Keep your pages lean and fast for the visitor to move on quickly, with interest.

8.Spell check:

Always spell check the text , keeping it free of grammatical error, punctuations and spelling mistakes. Without spell check, the site looks amateurish and shabby.

9.Ineffective Text Content:

A major mistake is to fill the pages with long text, without any headings and sub-headings. Do not cram your web pages with loaded decorative words and hi-funda text. Readers do not have time to fill their heads with all details.

Make your text more effective. Keep your text simple, crisp and to-the-point. Use decorative words in the right context. Your language should spell clarity, consistency and coherence in content, style, structure and font. The pages should be easy to read and simple to understand, with a smooth flow. The fonts should be rightly used, with appropriate side-headings and the text need to be phrased in short paragraphs, giving a pleasing feel to the reader.

Your website must provide a clear message with a goal-oriented direction, setting you apart from your competitors. Your content should easily answer his question - “what's in it for me?” The reader must be able to identify with your write-up and find you as his 'partner' for addressing his solutions.

10. Absence of an Email Subscription Form:

This critical aspect is often neglected by most website owners. It is very important to have a lead generation for your website via Email subscription form, for optimal business returns. Having a mailing list gives you several advantages like maintaining a visitors list who allow you to contact them, build a relationship, and establish yourself as an expert for solving their problems.

11.Using a weak message 'join my newsletter':

Your content , design layout and solutions should be so user-friendly such that it compels the reader to subscribe your mailing list. Do not use a weak message like – “join my free newsletter”. The reader would wonder “Why?” and “If I subscribe, will you give me a bonus, or a free gift instantly, as soon as I join?” If your design and text work impresses the reader for availing your services, you would automatically get email subscriptions for a membership, from your visitors. It speaks on your credibility.

12.No Contact Information - Just giving your email id and the web address is not sufficient for your readers – who may be prospective clients. Keep your detailed contact information easy to find and easy to read. Inclusion of a site-map works wonders for your business.

13.Advertising – Advertisements provide huge revenue but it should be placed skilfully and with reference to the current times. Appropriate advertisements should be placed - reflecting the different verticals of your business. Do not overload your page with ads, especially the big flashy banners. Well placed, well designed ads are okay, if you don’t overload the page.

14. Prices –. Don’t waste your time, hoping you will get email inquiries on your prices. The moment a visitor sees your product or services, his prime question will be “what is the price of this item?” Do not keep the visitor guessing the price; it will give him an opportunity to jump into another website where the price is mentioned and you may end up losing a prospective customer. You need to include a price with the item description, if you sell something.

15.Under Construction - Avoid having a “closed – under construction” or “yet to open” website. Give your visitors atleast a single page of content, with a notice - when the whole site will be open.

16.Music: Include a soft and soothing music or that which is relevant to the content. Do not include music, if it is not needed. Music should not be out-of-control and keep the control buttons easy-to-use. Music can turn one's mind on but at the same time put your mood off, if it is not rightly timed, controlled and soft.

The list of common mistakes are innumerable. The above general tips gives you an idea of what to avoid and how to resolve. By keeping your website design in good shape and ensuring your web content writing is in good taste, you will find more people visiting and enjoying your website!

Troubleshooting Internet Explorer 7.0 Issues

by: SalemHassan



Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) is light years ahead of its predecessors, but by no means does that proclamation mean that the browser is perfect. You are still going to encounter issues with IE from time to time.

Here are some of the concise guides that deliver some troubleshooting steps that will clear up the majority of issues we encountered with IE7.

Issues with Internet Explorer 7.0 with solutions

Problem: Crashes or hangs

If IE crashes, the most likely problem is that there's a buggy add-on (Toolbar or Browser Helper Object). In order to verify and isolate the buggy add-on, follow these steps:

1. Start IE in No Add-ons mode, either by right-clicking the Desktop icon, or clicking START - RUN and typing: iexplore.exe -extoff

2. Determine if IE fails.

3. If not, use Tools - Manage Add-ons to disable all browser extensions and toolbars.

4. Restart IE and re-enable browser extensions one-by-one.

5. Once you've found a broken extension, contact the manufacturer and ask for an update.


If IE still crashes often, even when browser add-ons are disabled:

• Please ensure that you are running the very latest version of your anti-virus, anti-malware, and/or firewall programs.

• Please ensure that the drivers for your graphics card are up to date.

• If you have Google Desktop installed, please ensure that you update to the latest version of Google Desktop.

• If you have 7-Zip or other Windows Explorer extensions installed, please ensure that you update to the latest.

Problem: Cannot connect to Internet using IE after updates installed

If you see the "Page Cannot be Displayed" error after installing Internet Explorer updates from Windows Updates, it's possible that you have a 3rd party firewall installed that is blocking access because the IE files have been updated. Please see for more information.

Problem: IE always starts in "No Add-ons" mode

The problem is that you're launching Internet Explorer using a shortcut icon that has the "-extoff" command line parameter. That parameter causes IE to start without add-ons. Thus, every time you use that shortcut icon, IE will start in No Add-ons Mode.

1. How do you normally start Internet Explorer? Right-click whatever icon you're using to start IE, choose "Properties" and remove the -extoff part of the shortcut.

2. If you click the green START button, click Run, type iexplore.exe in the RUN box, then hit the ENTER key, IE will start with Addons enabled.

Problem: IE opens small windows

IE opens new windows at the size of the last closed window. If you find that IE is opening small windows, do this:

• Close all IE windows.
• Open one new IE window.
• Adjust that window to the size you prefer. Do this by dragging the window borders. Do not use the maximize button:
• Close the IE window.
• New IE windows will open at the size you chose.

Problem: ClearType Text appears fuzzy

IE7 turns on a text-smoothing technology called "ClearType" by default. ClearType is scientifically proven to make text easier to read, particularly on LCD flat panel monitors.

If ClearType looks fuzzy on your monitor, you might want to try the ClearType tuning wizard, which can help you adjust the display of ClearType.

If you still don't like the appearance of ClearType, you can turn it off by unchecking the checkbox: Tools - Internet Options - Advanced - Multimedia - Always use ClearType for HTML.

Problem: IE Startup takes a long time (>3 seconds)

1. IE may start very slowly if you have a huge number of sites listed in your Restricted or Trusted sites zone. Some tools, like "SpyBot Search & Destroy" will place thousands of sites in these zones if you use their "immunize" feature.

2. Follow the "Crashing on startup" steps above to see if starting in No Add-ons mode starts much faster

3. If you're not using a proxy, uncheck IE's "Automatically detect settings" option on the Tools - Internet Options - Connections - LAN Settings dialog.

Problem: Slow Page rendering

1. Increase the connection limit. This tweak allows IE to make up to 16 connections per server.

2. Ensure that both "HTTP1.1" checkboxes in Tools - Internet Options - Advanced are checked.

Problem: IE7 Setup fails to install Internet Explorer


Problem: My address bar won't turn green?

IE7 includes a cool new feature that turns the address bar green when a secure site presents an Extended Validation certificate:

If you're having trouble with this feature, on a site you know has an EV certificate:

1. Ensure that you either have the Phishing Filter set to "Automatic" mode or Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Security > Check for Server Certificate revocation checked.

2. If that doesn't work, install this: Windows Root Certificate Update and restart.

Problem: After installing, IE7 starts then vanishes

It's possible that one of IE's DLLs isn't installed correctly

1. Click START - RUN and type cmd
2. In the command prompt, type cd\
3. In the command prompt, type cd Program Files
4. In the command prompt, type cd Internet Explorer
5. In the command prompt, type regsvr32 IEPROXY.DLL


Problem: Error message about PSAPI.DLL

If you install IE7 and the following error message begins to show:

The procedure entry point GetProcessImageFileNameW could not be located in the dynamic link library PSAPI.DLL

1. Search your hard disk for PSAPI.dll.

2. Any copies of this DLL that are found outside of the Windows or Windows\System32 folder should be renamed to PSAPI.bak.

Problem: IE always goes to instead of my homepage

If IE7 always goes to the RunOnce page on startup, even after you've tried to save the first run settings, it's possible that the mechanism that IE is using to save the settings does not work for some reason.

You can prevent IE from going to the RunOnce page and cause it to go directly to your homepage by running this script.

For more info, check out this Knowledge Base article.]

Problem: IE always goes to instead of my homepage

If Internet Explorer always goes to this page on startup, it's likely that you have an anti-spyware package (like "SpyBot") that prevented IE from correctly modifying your registry.

Try running this script. Note: you may need to disable your anti-spyware tool temporarily for the script to work.

Problem: On startup, IE always shows an error message about the AOL toolbar

If you see the following error message every time IE starts:

"Cannot find 'file:///C:/Program%20Files/AOL%20Toolbar/welcome.html'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct."

..then you've hit a bug in the AOL Toolbar.

Try running this script. Note: you may need to disable your anti-spyware tool temporarily for the script to work.

Problem: I installed a "branded" version of IE7, but I'd prefer a "plain" copy without toolbars and customizations.

An article on this topic can be found here: How to remove branding in Internet Explorer 7.

Problem: Malware / Adware

If Internet Explorer is behaving strangely (crashing, visiting unwanted sites, etc), it's possible that there is malicious software installed on your computer.

As a first step, you should allow your antivirus software to scan and attempt to repair your computer. Additionally, you may want to try the following Microsoft tools:

• Windows Defender
• Windows Live OneCare
• Windows Live Safety Center
• Malicious Software Removal Tool

You should also ensure your computer has all the security updates available at Microsoft Update.

Problem: My searches are redirected to unrelated sites and I cannot connect to WindowsUpdate or antivirus websites

If Internet Explorer searches are redirected to unrelated sites or search engines, it's possible that your computer was infected with malware (see the previous tip). However, if your computer is not currently infected with malware, it's possible that at some time in the past, malicious software altered your computer's DNS settings. DNS works like an "internet phonebook" that maps URLs (like "") to internet protocol addresses (like "").

To determine if a malicious DNS server is configured:

- Go to Start -> Control Panel ->Network Connections.

- Right click your default connection, usually Local Area Connection or Dial-up Connection, if you are using Dial-up, and left click on Properties.

- Double-click on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) item

Check to see if you're set to something other than "Obtain DNS servers automatically". If so, contact your ISP to ensure that the address specified is correct, or set the "Obtain DNS servers automatically" checkbox. Then restart your computer.

Problem: After opening many tabs, Windows and IE paint abnormally.


Problem: A remote user is having networking problems with Internet Explorer. How can I collect information about his system to help me to troubleshoot?

Have the user run Netcheck and send you the log file.

Problem: Overlong headers result in HTTP/4xx or HTTP/5xx errors, particularly on devices like routers or webcams

Problems of this nature are usually caused by one of the two request headers in yellow being longer than the device expects.

GET / HTTP/1.1

Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-application, application/, application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-silverlight, application/x-silverlight-2-b2, */*

Accept-Language: en-us

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.1.3; MS-RTC LM 8)

Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

Connection: Keep-Alive


These headers are dynamically generated out of registry keys. They can usually be trimmed by editing the registry without any important side-effects.

To trim the list in the Accept header, click START > RUN > REGEDIT.EXE. Using RegEdit, navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Accepted Documents

..and remove elements from the "Name/Type/Value" list to remove values that aren't strictly required. Elements in red are of lower importance than those in black:

image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-application, application/, application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap, application/, application/, application/msword, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-silverlight, application/x-silverlight-2-b2, */*

A similar problem can occur with the User-Agent header.

To trim the list in the User-Agent header, click START > RUN > REGEDIT.EXE. Using RegEdit, navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent\Post Platform

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform

..and remove elements from the "Name/Type/Value" list to remove values that aren't strictly required. Elements in red are of lower importance than those in black:

User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.30618; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.1.3; MS-RTC LM 8)

For more information please visit

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F#m C#m
ku harap kau baik-baik saja
pujaan hati andai kau tahu
ku sangat mencintai dirimu

hei pujaan hati setiap malam
F#m C#m
aku berdoa kepada sang Tuhan
berharap cintaku jadi kenyataan
agar ku tenang meniti kehidupan

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Bridge :
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pujaan hati, pujaan hati

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F#m C#m
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ataukah mungkin hatimu membeku
hingga kau tak pernah pedulikan aku

cobalah mengerti keadaanku
F#m C#m
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ku ingin engkau menjadi milikku
lengkapi jalan cerita hidupku

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Interlude : A E F#m C#m D A B E

hei pujaan hati setiap malam
F#m C#m
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agar ku tenang meniti kehidupan

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atas dosa-dosa ku

d'masiv Mohon ampun aku

aku bukan siapa siapa
aku hanya manusia
yang tak lepas dari kesalahan

d'masiv Mohon ampun aku

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D A Bm E
kuserahkan hidupku padaMu
D A Bm E
Tuhan ampuni aku ku memohon padaMu
F#m D
tunjukkan jalanMu

d'masiv Mohon ampun aku

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mohon ampun aku
jika aku berdosa

d'masiv Mohon ampun aku

aku bukan siapa siapa
aku hanya manusia
yang tak lepas dari kesalahan

d'masiv Mohon ampun aku

Back to : Reff

Interlude : C#m F#m E

Back to : Intro

Coda : D C#m F#m E

d'masiv Mohon ampun aku

D C#m F#m E
tunjukkan jalanMu
D C#m F#m E
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isi langit dan bumi ciptaanMu Tuhan

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lowongan CPNS 2009 untuk tahun ini tes cpns akan dilakukan serentak diberbagai kota di Indonesia. semua daerah kabupaten akan terus melakukan panyaringan-penyarinagn para pegawai negri sipil untuk memenuhi kekurangan pegawai dan mengganti pegawai yang sudah pensiun.

Pemprovsu dan Kabupaten/Kota secara serentak menerima CPNS TA 2009 Oktober mendatang. Sama seperti sebelumnya, peluang suap menyuap terhadap penerimaan CPNS kali ini diprediksi makin besar.

Terlebih Pemprovsu mempersilakan Kabupaten/Kota menjalin kerjasama ke universitas lain di luar USU, seperti UI dan UGM. Alasannya hal itu merupakan hak Kabupaten/Kota sebagai daerah otonom untuk menentukan kemana akan menjalin kerjasama, sedangkan Pemprovsu hanya berhak sebagai pengawas.

Arsyad Lubis MM, Kepala BKD Pemprovsu Jumat (25/9) mengatakan pihaknya mempersilahkan Kabupaten/Kota kemanapun menjalin kerjasama asalkan berstatus Universitas Negeri. Sekalipun bila bekerjasama ke universitas di luar Sumut, seperti ke Jawa akan semakin memperlebar peluang “permainan”.

“Itu ketentuannya. Kabupaten/Kota dibenarkan menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga asalkan berstatus Universitas Negeri, karena mereka Kabupaten/Kota sebagai daerah otonom,” ucapnya.

Terkait kemungkinan peluang sogok-menyogok, Pemprovsu hanya bisa mengawasi dan melaporkan ke pemerintah pusat bila ada ditemukan permainan. “Kalau ditemukan, kita sebagai wakil pemerintah pusat akan melaporkan ke Menpan, sehingga diproses secara hukum,” katanya.

Namun dia mengatakan selagi tim pembuat soal, pemeriksa soal dan penentu ranking bekerja sesuai prosedur, kemungkinan terjadinya kongkalikong itu tipis. “Kalau tim ini bekerja sesuai prosedur kemungkinan peluang sogok-menyogok makin kecil,” tandasnya.

Kini, urai dia, Pemprovsu akan mengundang Kabupaten/Kota 7 Oktober untuk menentukan kapan dimulai pendaftaran, ujian dan pengumuman hasil sehingga penerimaan bisa digelar serentak. “Kita akan mengundang Kabupaten/Kota 7 Oktober untuk membicarakan hal ini. Kapan dimulai pendaftaran, ujian dan penentuan hasil,” katanya.

Sementara itu, anggota DPRD Sumut dari fraksi PDIP Syamsul Hilal mengatakan, Pemprovsu harus belajar dari kejadian tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Harus berusaha merangkul Kabupaten/Kota untuk sejalan dengan Pemprovsu kerjasama dengan USU dalam penerimaan CPNS. “Sedangkan dikontrol Pemprovsu saja masih ada Kabupaten/Kota yang bermain, konon lagi dibiarkan,” katanya.

Dikatakan, apapun ceritanya Pemprovsu harus berusaha agar mengajak Kabupaten/Kota kerjasama dengan USU, sebab bila ada Kabupaten/Kota menjalin kerjasama dengan universitas luar, seperti UI dan UGM disinyalir mempunyai tujuan dan maksud-maksud tertentu sehingga rawan praktik sogok-menyogok.

“Kenapa harus ada yang ke kerjasama ke UI, misalnya? Kan ini tanda tanya besar? Dan tidak tertutup kemunginan hal seperti ini merupakan upaya penyimpangan. Pemprovsu harus berusaha agar Kabupaten/Kota jangan lari ke universitas di luar Sumut, karena dikhawatirkan rawan permainan,” jelasnya.

Sekadar diketahui, penerimaan CPNS di lingkungan Pemprovsu tahun 2009 ini sebanyak 589 orang. Terdiri dari 331 tenaga honorer, 208 tenaga teknis dan 50 tenaga kesehatan, seperti dokter, Akademi Kebidanan (Akbid) dan Akademi Keperawatan (Akper).

Sedangkan untuk Kabupaten/Kota, sebut Arsyad, sesuai kebutuhannya. Bila Kabupaten/Kota belum membutuhkan PNS mereka tidak dipaksakan untuk menerima CPNS.

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Profesi mempunyai arti yaitu sebuah penyertaan atau janji terbuika yang menyatakan bahwa seseorang itu mengabdikan dirinya pada suatu jabatan atau pelayanan itu.(ungkap Prof. Dr. Piet A Sahartian, 1994 : 26).
Profesaional tidak terbatas apa yang dinyatakan oleh kebanyakan orang, yaitu hanya sebatas suatu keterampilan teknis yang dimiliki seseorang.
Kompetensi penting jabatan guru tersebut adalah Kompotensi profesional, kompetensi pada bidang substansi atau bidang studi, kompetensi bidang pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, sistem penilaian, pendidikan nilai dan bimbingan. Kompetensi sosial, kompetensi pada bidang hubungan dan pelayanan, pengabdian masyarakat. Kompetensi personal, kompetensi nilai yang dibangun melalui perilaku yang dilakukan guru, memiliki pribadi dan penampilan yang menarik, mengesankan serta guru yang gaul dan ”funky.” Guru terpanggil untuk bersedia belajar bagaimana mengajar dengan baik dan menyenangkan peserta didik dan terpanggil untuk menemukan cara belajar yang tepat. Katakan saja, menjadi guru bukan hanya suatu profesi yang ditentukan melalui uji kompentensi dan sertifikasi saja, tetapi menyangkut dengan hati, artinya sejak semula mereka sudah bercita-cita menjadi guru, guru yang mengenal dirinya, dan sebagai panggilan tugas kemanusian yang muliah yang diikuti dengan penghargaan yang profesional pula.
Guru sebagai tenaga profesional bertujuan untuk melaksanakan sistem pendidikan nasional dan mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional, yaitu berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, serta menjadi warga negara yang demokratis dan bertanggungjawab [UU No.14Th.2005:psl.6]. Profesi guru merupakan bidang pekerjaan khusus yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip sebagai berikut: Memiliki bakat, minat, penggailan jiwa, dan idealisme. Memiliki komitmen untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, keimaman, ketaqwaan, dan akhlak mulia. Memiliki kualifikasi akademik dan latar belakang pendidikan sesuai dengan bidang tugas. Memiliki kompetensi yang diperlukan sesuai dengan bidang tugas. Memiliki tanggungjawab atas pelaksanaan tugas keprofesionalan. Memperoleh pengahsilan yang ditentukan sesuai dengan prestasi kerja. Memiliki kesempatan untuk mengembangkan keprofesionalan secara berkelanjutan dengan belajar sepanjang hayat. Memiliki jaminan perlindungan hukum dalam melaksanakan tugas profesional, dan memiliki organisasi profesi yang mempunyai kewenangan mengatur hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan fungsi keprofesionalan guru [UU No.14 Th.2005:psl.7].
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

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cara upload foto facebook dari hp

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

bagaimana sih meng upload foto dari hp. mungkin kita akan kesulitan jika hanya menggunakan apps OM, atau apps bawaan hp. maka kita dapat menggunakan appa shozu untuk upload foto facebook dari hp.

Untuk mengupload foto dan video kita bisa menggunakan aplikasi pihak ketiga, Shozu. Tidak hanya facebook, aplikasi ini bisa digunakan untuk mengupload foto atau video di situs-situs lain seperti flickr, tweeter, youtube dll. Shozu bisa digunakan di handphone dengan platform java atau symbian.

kita kali ini akan menjelaskan seputar facebook mobile. Yaitu cara untuk upload fotodari HP anda. Selain itu anda bisa upload video juga lho !! Cara'nya gimana ? Tenang, mudah kok !! Cuma pake aplikasi ! Terus, nama aplikasinya apaan? Penasaran ! Mau ?

Berikut cara untuk mengupload foto dengan handphone anda.

1. Registrasi dan download aplikasi Shozu disini :, atau dari handphone anda langsung tuju halaman
2. Pilih handphone anda dan isi data, username dan password, catat bila perlu.
3. Masukkan kode negara dan nomor telepon anda
4. Setelah menerima sms balasan, tekan link di dalam sms untuk mendownload aplikasi
5. Ketika muncul pertanyaan penginstallan pilih install
6. Setelah penginstallan selesai anda akan diminta memasukkan username dan password, kemudian aktivasi
7. Selamat, anda bisa mengupload foto dan video ke dalam facebook

Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mengaktivasi layanan Facebook ke dalam Shozu

1. Masuk ke situs shozu :
2. Masuk ke bagian my shozu > login dengan akun anda
3. Pilih add destination >pilih facebook (select)
4. Langkah pertama di Shozu > Pilih Go to Facebook (akan otomatis dibawa ke situs Facebook)
5. Akan muncul persetujuan (semacam aplikasi facebook) pilih allow (otomatis balik ke Shozu lagi)
6. Langkah kedua di Shozu > Pilih back to facebook (balik lagi ke Facebook)
7. Facebook akan meminta persetujuan akses offline dari shozu > pilih allow offline acces (otomatis balik lagi ke Shozu)
8. Langkah ketiga di Shozu > Pilih back to facebook untuk mengijinkan akses upload foto (balik lagi ke Facebook)
9. Pilih allow access di Facebook agar anda bisa mengupload foto dari Shozu
10. Langkah keempat di Shozu > Pilih back to facebook untuk mengijinkan akses mengubah status dari Shozu (lagi-lagi balik ke Facebook)
11. Pilih continue
12. Konfigurasi untuk Facebook dan Shozu selesai
13. Buka aplikasi Shozu di hp anda
14. Pilih More actions > Check for updates
15. Sekarang aplikasi Shozu anda telah memiliki akses ke layanan Facebook

berikut ini adalah cara-cara mendapatkan uang di internet